Fluid Leak Chart

Service Guide

Fluid Leak Chart

Every vehicle needs its fluids replaced on a regular schedule to maintain peak operating performance. Yet, sometimes you should not wait until the next scheduled service.

What are some of the critical signs that tell you it's time to have a certified mechanic inspect your vehicle?

We recommend the following chart as a general but useful guideline. If you see any of the following signs from your vehicle, call to get more information.

What you see Severity Recommendation
Pouring 5 Fluid flows from vehicle. Vehicle should not be driven. Fix immediately.
Leaking 4 Puddles form. Fix now.
Seeping 3 Drips come off the vehicle and pool underneath. Fix soon.
Wet 2 Fluid is not dripping. Watch carefully and determine if the problem is
getting worse.
Stain 1 Looks like a fogged mirror. Watch carefully and determine if the problem
is getting worse.